Monday, October 13, 2008

Popsicle Days

It was one of those Hot Summer Days and Ryan and I decided to pull out the Popsicles...

This was Maverick's First! and boy did he love it! I could not that thing out of his hand. These two goof balls were making me crack up! IT sure kept them quiet for a good half hour...All I could hear was Slurp...and then they would lick thier lips and say Ahhhhhhh!

It is days like this that I want to remember forever....I love them both so much.

1 comment:

Lis said...

AN UPDATE! AN UPDATE! IM SO HAPPY YOURE BACK!!!! WELCOME BACK! i missed you!!! You got to get Arin to update something! psshhhh!

Cute pictures! Your boys are getting SO HUGE! You HAVE to come home for Christmas! Im dying to see you guys! I dont know what my life would be like if still never know what happened to you! I WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS!!! COME HOME!